Business Account Numbers

A Business Accounts Number (BAN) is a 7-digit number assigned to registered businesses by the San Francisco Treasurer & Tax Collector’s Office. A registered business will have a single active BAN for all open business locations. SmallBusinessCentral uses Business Accounts Numbers (BANs) as unique identifiers for small businesses. You can find the BAN for a registered business on the list of registered business locations published on DataSF.

To look up a BAN on the list of registered businesses locations:

  1. From the top left menu, select Filter.

  2. Select Add a New Filter Condition.

  3. From the drop down menu, change Location Id to DBA Name.

  4. Change the filter operation condition from "is" to "contains".

  5. Type the name of the business.

The list of registered business locations also includes businesses and business locations that have closed. When looking up a BAN, please be sure to use a BAN for business that does not have a business or location end date.

When looking up a business, you may need to search both the DBA and ownership name. You can also look up a business using other search criteria such as the address.

Last updated